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Plugin protoc-gen-gogql

If you still want to generate go source code instead of graphql then use plugin, and map all the generated go types with all the generated graphql types.

protoc-gen-gogql plugin generates methods for implementing and interfaces. Now proto enums, oneofs and maps will work fine with graphql.

This plugin also creates convenience methods that will implement generated by the gqlgen MutationResolver and QueryResolver interfaces.


go install

The protoc compiler expects to find plugins named proto-gen-<PLUGIN_NAME> on the execution $PATH.

So first add golang bin directory to the path if it's not already added (also add it to .zshrc or ~/.bash_profile depending on the OS you use):

export PATH=${PATH}:$(go env GOPATH)/bin


Run the protoc command with the arguments for the installed plugin:

Like this:

protoc --gql_out=<ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENTS>:<PATH> -I=./api -I=. ./example/codegen/api/pb/*.proto

Where ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENTS may be provided in the form of key=value separated by a comma.

Possible additional arguments: - svc bool - Use service annotations for nodes corresponding to a GRPC call. - merge bool - Merge all the proto files found in one directory into one file.


protoc --gogql_out=paths=source_relative:. -I=./api -I=. ./example/codegen/api/pb/*.proto